2024 - 2025

Lectures & Meetings

Last update: October 8, 2024

Lectures & Meetings

Archiv - Archives 1981 - 2023


  • RNCD Brasil e o ICIE- International Center for  Information Ethics realizam live no dia 05 de julho com o tema "Verdade, Mentira e Religião: dos primórdios da era cristã à atualidade" . Os convidados Magali Cunha (Editora Geral do Coletivo Bereia), Rafael Capurro (Fundador do ICIE), Júlio Piffero (Diretor do DPB-CAPES) e Gustavo Saldanha (Pesquisador IBICT e professor Unirio) dialogarão sobre o assunto. O momento terá mediação de Marco Schneider (presidente do ICIE, pesquisador titular do IBICT e professor UFF).
  • Assista a live (2pm / CET 7pm) no canal da RNCD Brasil no YouTube

  • VIII Media Ethics Conference. Coimbra, 11 - 12 de julio 2024.  Keynote: Joseph Weizenbaum. Un  parresiastes en la era digital.

  • V Jornadas FIC (Facultad Información y Comunicación, Univ. de la República, Uruguay): Pluralidad y equidad informacional: abordajes desde la ética de la información, 16 de Octubre 2024.
  • Núcleo de Pesquisas em Gestão, Políticas e Tecnologias da Informação-NGPTI/UFG
    Universidade Federal de Goiás-UFG, Profa. Eliany Alvarenga de Araújo. Conferencia virtual: Diálogos en Ciencias de la Información - Coloquio Rafael Capurro. 26 de Octubre 2024.
    • Epistemología
    • Etica de la información
  • 5. Encuentro ICIE (International Center for Information Ethics) América Latina y el Caribe, Río  de Janeiro, 20 - 22 de noviembre, 2024. Keynote.


  • V CONGRESO IBERO-AMERICANO DE FILOSOFÍA DE LA CIENCIA Y LA TECNOLOGÍA: Inteligencias artificiales. Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, 12 - 16 de mayo, 2025.

  • 7th ICPI (International Conference on Philosophy of Information), a sub-conference of the IS4SI, Varna (Bulgaria), June 2025.
  • CEPE 2025: Artificial Intelligence: Normative Implications and Philosophical Challenges. University of Rome, September 24-26, 2025.


Archiv - Archives

1999 - 2018

Africa Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics


  • Interrnational Policy Dialogue on IFAP Priority Areas in the BRICS countries, organized by UNESCO/IFAP and the University of Pretoria, African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE) Keynote: Digital Futures (PowerPoint), Cape Town, South Africa, July 4-6, 2018.
  • ANIEversary: 10th anniversary conference organized by the African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE), University of Pretoria, South Africa, February 21-23, 2017.


1999 - 2018
See ICIE 2020 ff

  • Interdisciplinary and Intercultural Joint-Workshop on Privacy and Publicness in East and West "Life, Culture and Society in the Information Era" organized by ReGIS (Research Group on the Information Society, University of Tsukuba), Doctoral Program in International Advanced Japanese Studies (Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Tsukuba) and the International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE), University of Tsukuba, October 4-5, 2012.
  • ICIE Symposium: Netz-Ökologien. Zur Ethik des Abfalls im Zeitalter digitaler Medialisierung, Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Handwerkergasse Völklingen, 2.-3. Juli, 2010 (CfP).
Localizing the Internet - Ethical Issues in Intercultural Perspective. Veranstalter: International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE). Sponsor: Volkswagen Stiftung.  October 4-6, 2004
  • II. ICIE-Symposium zur Informationsethik (2002)
  • Digital Divide aus ethischer Sicht  
    Veranstalter: International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE)  
    Publikation: Rupert Scheule, Thomas Hausmanninger, Rafael Capurro Hrsg.: Vernetzt gespalten. Der Digital Divide aus ethischer Sicht.Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Bd. 3, München: Fink Verlag (2004)
  • I. ICIE-Symposium zur Informationsethik (2001)
  • Konzepte der Informationsethik
    Veranstalter: International Center for Information Ethics (ICIE)
    Sponsor: VolkswagenStiftung . 
    Publikation: Thomas Hausmanninger, R. Capurro Hrsg.: Netzethik. Grundlegungsfragen der Internetethik. Schriftenreihe des ICIE, Band 1, München: Fink Verlag 2002.


Symposien und studentische Workshops über Informationsethik (seit 1996)

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