Past, Present and Future Activities


Rafael Capurro


Contribution to the WSIS Forum 2010, Geneva, May 11, 2010. The moderator of the session on Ethics is Boyan Radoykov, Chief of Section, Universal Access and Preservation, Information Society Division, UNESCO. See PowerPoint.

All information (and more) summarized in this document is available at the website of the Africa Network for Information Ethics (ANIE).

The introduction to this document is based on my keynote address "Information Ethics for and from Africa" at the First Africa Information Ethics Conference, Pretoria (South Africa), 5-7 February 2007. This keynote was published in the International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE) (2007) (see also here) and reprinted in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (59 (7): 1-9, 2008.

See the next report: Information Ethics in Africa: Past, present and future activities (2011-2014)



I. First African Conference on Information Ethics (2007)
II. Africa Reader on Information Ethics
III. High-level Workshop on Ethics and e-Government in Africa (2009)
IV. Second African Conference on Information Ethics (2010)



Information Ethics in Africa is a young academic field. Not much has been published on the role that African philosophy can play in thinking about the challenges arising from the impact of ICT on African societies and cultures. 

But there is also a long history of Information Ethics in Africa. It concerns Africa’s rich oral and written traditions throughout many centuries about different kinds of information and communication practices using different moral codes and media based on dynamic and complex processes of cultural hybridization. Critical reflection on this history promotes greater awareness of Africa's cultural legacy, which provides the foundations of the digital information and communication technologies that will create unique and genuinely African information societies.

According to Mogobe Ramose, ubuntu is “the central concept of social and political organization in African philosophy, particularly among the Bantu-speaking peoples. It consists of the principles of sharing and caring for one another.” (Ramose 2002, 643). How is the intertwining of information and communication technology with the principles of communalism and humanity expressed in aphorisms such as “Motho ke motho ka batho” which can be translated as “people are other people through other people”? What is the relation between community and privacy in African information society? What kind of questions do African people ask about the effects of information and communication technology in their everyday lives?  

Information ethics opens a space of critical reflection for all stakeholders on established moral norms and values, it provides the catalyst for a social process, and is a space for retrieving the rich African cultural memory necessary to our field. This cultural memory permits to reshape African identities and contribute to the world's information and communication cultures – and to make a valuable contribution to the current debate on international and intercultural information ethics. The function of cultural memory is not just to express what belongs to the collective memory of a community, but to engage the will of its members to connect themselves through the task of creating it. Cultural memory is connective. It is related to our myths and to our dreams.

The main moral responsibility of African academics in the field of information ethics is therefore to enrich African identities by retrieving and re-creating African information and communication traditions. From this perspective, cultural memory is an ethical task if we want to create a humane community based not just on the number of people but on the relations between them. I think that retrieving the African cultural memory with regard to information and communication norms and traditions is the main challenge for African information ethics. It should critically analize the different strategies of social inclusion and exclusion in the history of African societies, including traumatic experiences such as slavery, colonialization  and apartheid. Since the emergence of the Internet, this challenge is discussed under the heading of the digital divide. But African information ethics implies much more than just the access and use of this medium. The problem is not limited to a technical one, but is much more one of social exclusion, manipulation, exploitation and annihilation of human beings.

The final goal of ethics is not just to speak about the good but to do the good and to dream about it. We owe this insight about the relation between ethical thinking and action to Aristotle, the founder of ethics as an academic discipline in the Western tradition. In a comparative study of ethical theories in different cultures, Michael Brannigan addresses African Ethics with the principle “To Be is to Belong” (Brannigan 2005). An analysis of this thesis could lead to a foundation of African information ethics based not upon a metaphysical concept of being but upon the experience of being as communal existence. The task of such an analysis would be to recognize the uniqueness of African perspectives as well as commonalities with other cultures and their theoretical expressions. This analysis could lead to an interpretation of ICT within an African horizon and correspondingly to possible vistas for information policy makers, responsible community leaders and, of course, for African institutions.


Brannigan, Michael C. (2005). Ethics Across Cultures with PowerWeb Ethics. McGraw-Hill.

Ramose, Mogobe B. (2002). Globalization and ubuntu. In Coetzee, Pieter and Roux, Abraham (2002). Philosophy from Africa. A text with readings. Oxford University Press (2nd  edition), 626-650.



I. First African Conference on Information Ethics (2007)

The First African Conference on IE was held in Tshwane/Pretoria, South Africa, 5-7 February 2007, under the auspices of UNESCO, sponsored by the South African Government, Department of Communications and organized by the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, University of Pretoria, University of Pittsburgh, and the International Center of Information Ethics.

Venue: Kievits Kroon Country Estate & Spa

Under the heading 'the joy of sharing knowledge' and the patronage of UNESCO it brought together some 80 policy makers and academic minds from Africa and around the world to discuss the impact of the use of modern Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on the African continent and formulate a specifically African perspective on the challenges involved - locally and globally.

In addressing the ethical challenges of the information society on the African continent the conference was inspired by the Geneva Declaration adopted by the Geneva World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) of 2003. It was explicitly conceived as part of the implementation of Action Line C10 of the Geneva Plan of Action.

The conference produced some tangible results:


5 February 2007

Welcome address: Prof. Robin Crewe (Vice - Principal, University of Pretoria, South Africa)
Discussion of the Objectives and Agenda: Ms. Lyndall Shope-Mafole (Director General, Dept. of Communications, South Africa)
Keynote address: Dr. Ivy Matsepe-Casaburri (Minister of Communications, South Africa)

Opening addresses:
Dr. Henry Chasia (NEPAD e-Africa Commission)
Dr. Boyan Radoykov (UNESCO, Information Society Division)

Theme keynote speakers:
Prof. Rafael Capurro (International Center for Information Ethics, Germany): Information Ethics for and from Africa
Prof. Andrew Kaniki (NRF, South Africa): The foundations of Africa Information Ethics from an African perspective
Prof. Itumeleng Mosala (Director-General Dept of Arts and Culture, South Africa): Ethics and Information Exchange between diverse cultures
Prof. Johannes Britz (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA; University of Pretoria, South Africa): The challenges of African Information Ethics

Panel discussion:  Henry Chasia, Boyan Radoykov, Rafael Capurro, Andrew Kaniki, Itumeleng Mosala, Johannes Britz
Discussion, Questions and Remarks from the floor.
Evening: Gala dinner
Guest speaker: Minister Dr Pallo Jordan, Minister of Arts and Culture

6 February  2007

Morning Session

Theme Group Discussions:
Discussion of 12 principal themes in smaller groups each facilitated by an appointed theme facilitator.
Brief introduction of UNESCO's proposal for a code of ethics (B. Radoykov, Information Society Division, UNESCO)

All groups will focus their discussion on the following issues:
UNESCO's proposal for a Code of Ethics - an African perspective
Possible implications for minority groups, different age groups (for example, youth), gender, and socio-cultural and economic implications

Foundations of African Information Ethics

Topic facilitator: D. Ocholla (South Africa)

Theme 1: Respect for human dignity - information based rights
Theme 2: Freedom of expression, Freedom of access to information
Theme 3: Freedom of access to information (IP legislation, open-access movement, TRIPS)
Theme 4: Information wrongdoings, information corruption, information injustice

TOPIC 2: Cultural diversity and globalization

Topic facilitator: P. Kanyandago (Uganda)

Theme 5: Protection and promotion of indigenous knowledge
Theme 6: Global security, human security, privacy, transparency
Theme 7: E-Government and related topics
Theme 8: Cultural diversity and development

TOPIC 3: Development, poverty and ICT

Topic facilitator: K. Mchombu (Namibia)

Theme 9: Using ICT for a better life in Africa: case studies
Theme 10: Internet and exclusion (socio-political and economic exclusion)
Theme 11: North-South flow of information and information imperialism
Theme 12: Brain draining in Africa

Afternoon session
Topic Group Meetings:

Separate meetings of the three topic groups
Theme synthesisers will report their group's summary to their topic facilitatator

Report back to conference participants by three topic facilitators:
Dennis Ocholla, Topic 1 Facilitator
Peter Kanyandago, Topice 2 Facilitator
Kingo Mchombu, Topic 3 Facilitator

General discussion
Discussion on the declaration
Outcomes and plan of action
Vote of thanks


This website is the result of the first African Information Ethics Conference, held in Tshwane, South Africa, 5-7 February 2007. The attendees agreed to form a network of professionals interested in Information Ethics from an African perspective to further research in this area and to contribute to fulfill the ideals as spelled out in the Tshwane declaration. It includes
    • Conferences
    • Members
    • Tswane Declaration
    • Bibliography
    • Photos
    • List Server
    • Africa Reader on Information Ethics

The Tshwane Declaration was adopted by the participants of the African Information Ethics Conference: Ethical Challenges in the Information Age on 7 February 2007.


We, African academics in Africa and the diaspora, together with academics from the international community, as experts in the field of Information Ethics, together with government representatives, participating in the Africa Conference on Information Ethics held in Pretoria 5-7 February 2007 hosted by the South African Government with the official patronage of UNESCO and the NEPAD e-Africa Commission, in close collaboration with the International Center for Information Ethics, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the University of Pretoria;

Understanding Information Ethics to be the field of critical reflection on moral values and practices with regard to the production, storage, distribution and access to knowledge as well as to all kinds of processes, systems and media of information and communication;

Noting the urgent necessity of ethical reflection on norms and values for the emerging Information Society in Africa;

Inspired by the vision of the World Summit on the Information Society of a people-centred, inclusive, development-oriented Information Society;

United in our belief that the mobilization of academic research on Information Ethics in Africa is crucial for sustainable social, economic, technical, cultural and political development; Acknowledging the need to improve and foster greater participation of African scholars in the field of information ethics within the international scholarly community recognizing the distinctive contribution to be made by African thinkers and intellectual traditions to the global information ethics community;

Recognising that in the present global information society the necessity of international and inter-cultural dialogue on information ethics issues is crucial for creating conditions for mutual respect and understanding;

Accepting that the renaissance of the African continent has highlighted ethical challenges and opportunities in relation to the increasing utilization of Information and Communication technologies; Believing that Information Ethics should play a crucial role in African education and policy in order to foster social, cultural and economic development by promoting the worth and dignity of human individual and social life; Recalling the International Information Ethics Conference that took place in October 2004, in Karlsruhe, Germany, which identified the need for the greater participation of Africans in the global inter-cultural dialogue on Information Ethics; Determined to establish dialogue opportunities, networks, and African Research agendas in information ethics; Re-affirm our commitment, focus and motivation towards enhancing African dialogue on developing norms and values for the African Information Society;

Adopt this declaration as a foundation to enhance the field of Information Ethics in Africa, and resolve to uphold the following principles:


All people have equal rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. To exercise their human rights people need and should have access to information as well as the ability to benefit from it.

Information should be recognized as a tool for promoting the goals of freedom, democracy, understanding, global security, peace and development and should be used as such.

Information should be made available, accessible and affordable across all linguistic groups, gender, differently abled, elderly and all cultural and income groups.

World-wide, the centrality of information is manifested as nations move towards Information and Knowledge Societies. To make the global Millennium development goals a reality, Africa should be a key player in this movement.

Policies and practices regarding the generation, dissemination and utilisation of information in and about Africa should be grounded in an Ethics based on universal human values, human rights and social justice.

Indigenous knowledge and cultural diversity is a valuable contribution Africa can make to the global Information Society. It should be preserved, fostered and enabled to enrich the world body of knowledge.

Africa Infoethics 2007


II. Africa Reader on Information Ethics

Print version: Capurro, R, Britz, JJ, Bothma, TJD and Bester, BC (Eds.). Africa Reader on Information Ethics. ISBN 978-0-620-45627-2. Pretoria (2009). See cover.

Part 1

  • Chapter 1: Rafael Capurro: Information ethics for and from Africa
  • Chapter 2: Johannes Britz: The joy of sharing knowledge: But what if there is no knowledge to share? A critical reflection on human capacity building in Africa
  • Chapter 3: Alice K. Wafula-Kwake & Dennis N. Ocholla: The feasibility of ICT diffusion among rural African women: A case study of South Africa and Kenya
  • Chapter 4: Mohamed Mesbahi: The Third World and the paradox of the digital revolution
  • Chapter 5: Chibueze C. Udeani: Cultural diversity and globalisation: An intercultural hermeneutical (African) perspective
  • Chapter 6: Kgomotso H. Moahi: Globalisation, knowledge economy and the implication for indigenous knowledge
  • Chapter 7: Kenneth Einar Himma: The information gap, the digital divide, and the obligations of affluent nations
  • Chapter 8: Soraj Hongladarom: Information divide, information flow and global justice
  • Chapter 9: Franz Martin Wimmer: Cultural centrisms and intercultural polylogues in philosophy
  • Chapter 10: Albert K. Boekhorst: Towards an information democracy: A research agenda
  • Chapter 11: Charles Ess: Cybernetic pluralism in an emerging global information and computing ethics
  • Chapter 12: Azelarabe Lahkim Bennani: The public sphere’s metamorphosis: The triangular relation between the NGO, the state and globalisation
  • Chapter 13: Michael Nagenborg: Artificial moral agents: An intercultural perspective
  • Chapter 14: Bernd Frohmann: Assembling an African information ethics
  • Chapter 15: Peter Fleissner: On the ambivalence of information and communication technologies
Part 2
  • Chapter 16: Patrick Ngulube: The nature and accessibility of e-government in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Chapter 17: Toni Carbo: Information rights: Trust and human dignity in e-government
  • Chapter 18: Jacques C. du Plessis: The spirit of open access to information as a key pillar in the African Renaissance
  • Chapter 19: John N. Gathegi: Intellectual property, traditional resources rights and natural law: A clash of cultures
  • Chapter 20: Peter Johan Lor: International advocacy for information ethics: The role of IFLA
  • Chapter 21: Anthony Löwstedt: Rights versus diversity? The accelerated extinction of languages and cultures as an aspect of globalisation trends
  • Chapter 22: Jacob Emmanuel Mabe: Security thought in Africa in the context of global ethics
  • Chapter 23: Shana R. Ponelis: Implications of social justice for the pricing of information goods
  • Chapter 24: Paul Sturges: What is this absence called transparency?
  • Chapter 25: Marsha Woodbury: Information integrity in Africa: Exploring information corruption issues
  • Chapter 26: Dennis N. Ocholla: Marginalised knowledge: An agenda for indigenous knowledge development and integration with other forms of knowledge
  • Chapter 27: Sandra Braman: The ourobouros of intellectual property: Ethics, law, and policy in Africa
  • Chapter 28: Jameleddine Ben Abdeljelil: The discourse of identity in the Maghreb between difference and universality
  • Chapter 29: Netiva Caftori: African women and the Internet


Part 3

  • Chapter 30: Kendra S. Albright: AIDS and culture: The case for an African information identity
  • Chapter 31: Hennie Lötter: Are ICTs prerequisites for the eradication of poverty?
  • Chapter 32: Isaac Milton Namwanja Kigongo-Bukenya: Towards professionalism and commitment in Africa: The case for theory and practice of information ethics in Uganda
  • Chapter 33: Omwoyo Bosire Onyancha:  E-governance in eastern and southern Africa: A webometric study of the governments’ websites
  • Chapter 34: Justine Johnstone: Towards a creativity research agenda in information ethics
  • Chapter 35: Sarah B. Kaddu: Information ethics: A student’s perspective
  • Chapter 36: York W. Bradshaw, Johannes J. Britz, Theo J.D. Bothma & Coetzee Bester: Using information technology to create global classrooms: Benefits and ethical dilemmas
  • Chapter 37: Tassilo Pellegrini: Co-production on the Web: Social software as a means of collaborative value creation in Web-based infrastructures
  • Chapter 38: Jangawe Msuya: Challenges and opportunities in the protection and of indigenous knowledge in Africa


III. High-level Workshop on Ethics and e-Government (2009)

under the auspices of UNESCO, co-sponsored by the South Africa Government, Department of Communications and organized by the University of Pretoria, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the University of Pittsburgh, and the International Center for Information Ethics, 23-26 February 2009.

Venue: Mount Grace, Magaliesburg

See: Reports and Documentation

The following background documentation was prepared by the academic steering committee, compiled by DOC and distributed in printed form to all participants:

  • Introduction and Overview (Rafael Capurro)
  • Global Perspectives on Information Ethics and e-Government (Rafael Capurro)
  • E-Government Toolkit for Developing Countries (UNESCO & National Informatics Centre, Government of India) (F.W. Horton Jr)
  • Planning, Implementing and Evaluating e-Government Efforts (PPT) (F.W. Horton Jr.)
  • Comparison of CDT e-Government Handbook with UNESCO e-Government Toolkit Report.
  • E-Government in Africa: Promise and Practice (full paper published by the Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester, 2002 Web (Richard Heeks)
Following documents were translated into French on DOC initiative and distributed in printed form to all participants:

  • Introduction et vue d'ensemble (Rafael Capurro)
  • Perspectives internationales sur l'éthique, la déontologie et l'e-Gouvernement (Rafael Capurro)
  • Planification, mise en oeuvre et évaluation de l'e-Gouvernement (F. W. Horton Jr.)
  • Justice - Là où s'insersectionne l' e-Gouvernement du CDT et celle de l'UNESCO
  • L'e-Gouvernement en Afrique (Richard Heeks) (extrait)

All documents prepared before the workshop as well as those produced during the workshop such as country reports as well as results of the group discussions, will be made online available at the ANIE website.

List  of participants

Burundi: Jerome Ndiho, Information and Communication
Oscar Bahizi, Information and Communication
SM Mutula, University of Botswana
Chad: Outman Moussa, MPTIC
Chad: Djihrabey Mbaidanoum Didier
Ahamat Abderahim Dinguest, Ministère des Télécommunications
Comoros Islands: Ali Sai Ndahoma, Ministre de TICS
Democratic Republic of Congo: E. Mawoko
Tewoldeberhan Afeworki Tecletsidu, Ministry of Transport and Communication
Gebresellasie Iyassu Weldesellasie, Ministry of Transport and Communication
India: Vikas Nath, South Centre, Geneva
Germany: Rafael Capurro, Stuttgart Media University
Owusu-Ansah Ebenezer Martin, Ministry of Communication
Ghana: Tseliso Mokela, Ministry of Communications
Lesotho: T. Mokela
Malawi: Frank Sajiwa, Information and Civic Education
Harold Njerekeza Perekeni, Information and Civic Education:
Jordao Sabao Muvale, Government Information Office
Senegal: Marieme Thiam Ndour, Telecommunication, Information and ICT
South Africa: Max Funzani, SAP
South Africa: Hannes Venter, SAP
South Africa: Alf Kale, SAP, Public Sector
South Africa: Coetzee Bester, University of Pretoria
South Africa: Theo Bothma, University of Pretoria
South Africa: Richard Masipa, DOC
South Africa: Thapelo Dikotla, DOC
South Africa : Kgosi Maepa, Private
South Africa : Dennis Ocholla, University of Zululand
South Africa: Johnny Lawrence, DEAT
South Africa: Dudley Petersen, Provincial & Local Government
South Africa: Nonkqubela Jordan, DOC
South Africa: Jim Patterson, DOC
South Africa: Khopotso Mtwazi, PNC
South Africa: Phillip Swart, DTI
Zwaziland: David Shanbagu, Computer Services
USA: Johannes Britz, Univversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
USA: Jacques du Plessis, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
USA: Toni Carbo, University of Pittsburgh
USA: Woody Horton, Retired Consultant
Zambia: Emphraim Mwenda, University of Africa

Final Agenda

Day 1: Monday, February 23, 2009

8:30 – 9:00: Registration and Refreshments

Part 1

Chairperson: Ms. Nonkqubela Jordan – Chief Director: Africa Desk, Department of Communications (South Africa)

9:00 – 9:30: Opening and Welcome Address:

Mr. Mokwining Nhlapo: Deputy Director-General: Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development (South Africa)

Opening Remarks on behalf of UNESCO: Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro

Opening Remarks by representative of African Union: Mr. Moses Bayingana

Video Clip of the Information Ethics Conference (2007)

Part 2

Global perspectives on Information Ethics and e-Government

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Johannes Britz

9:30 – 10:00: Key challenges, mandates, issues and illustrative best practices Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro  

10:00 – 10:45: Panel discussion on e-Government - Chairperson : Mr. Kgosi Maepa

  • Introduction, overview and historic background and roots of e-Government – Prof. Dr. Toni Carbo
  • Current status of e-Government initiatives – regional, strategic, political and socio-cultural commonalities, distinctions and modalities – Dr. Woody Horton

 10:45 – 11:15: Tea Break

Part 3

11:15 – 12:30: Panel discussion continues: Chairperson: Mr. Kgosi Maepa

Illustrative applications of e-Gov: SAP representative Mr. Hannes Venter

12:30-13:30: Lunch break

Part 4

Country experiences on Information Ethics and e-Government

Facilitators: Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro, Prof.Dr. Johannes Britz and Prof. Dr. SM Mutula

13:30 -17:00: Introduction of Information Ethical issues and e-Government as identified by participating countries for consideration by this workshop. The topics of discussion can include but are not limited to:

  • Access and accessibility
  • Intellectual property
  • Freedom of expression and censorship
  • Privacy/Public domain
  • Transparency/Secrecy
  • Right/responsibility/accountability
  • Education and training
  • Role of trust, culture, law and participation

19:00 Dinner


Day 2: Tuesday, February 24, 2009


9:00 – 9:30 Review of day one expectations, format and instructions: Dr. Woody Horton

9:30 – 11:00 Panel of e-Government – Prof. Dr. Dennis Ocholla

  • Introduction of backgrouond documents: the UNESCO toolkit and the CDT toolkit - Dr. Woody Horton and Prof. Dr. Toni Carbo
  • Overview of e-Government - Dr. Vikas Nath

11:00 - 11:15 Tea Break

11:15 - 12:15 Panel of e-Government – SAP representative

  • Introduction and overview, Quality of life choices and efficiency – Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro,
  • Ethical areas – Dr. SM Mutula
  • A NEPAD perspective – Dr. Katherine Getao

12:15 – 13:45 Lunch Break

13:45 – 13:45 Cross-cutting issues – Chairperson: Prof. Patrick Ngulube

The following issues are crosscutting to all of the identified ethical areas 

  • Trust, attitudes and behaviors – Dr. SM Mutula
  • Culture and tradition – Mr. Coetzee Bester
  • Participation (social inclusivity) – Mr. Kgosi Maepa
  • Laws, rules, regulations, policy reforms – Dr. Woody Horton

15:00 -15:30 Break

 15:30 – 16:15 Chairperson – Dr. SM Mutula

  • Introduction to Ethical reasoning with appropriate examples – Mr. Kgosi Maepa


Day 3: Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Theo Bothma

9:00 – 9:30: Review of previous day – Marieme Thiam Ndour

9:30 – 10:15: Case studies of e-Government in the developing world – Dr. Vikas Nath

10:15 – 10:45: Breakaway session to discuss the various assigned areas and formulate challenges, opportunities and recommendations regarding the assigned areas under the guidance of the group organizer: Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro, Prof. Dr.Johannes Britz, Prof. Dr. Steve Mutual and Dr. Vikas Nath: The assigned areas will include but are not limited

  • Infrastructure (electricity, bandwith, mobile phones etc.)
  • Education and Training (information literacy and media literacy)
  • Establishing priorities among application (e.g. health care, education, commerce etc)
  • Data protection and privacy
  • Transparency, right to public information and accountability 
  • Freedom of Expression and diversity of viewpoints
  • Democracy (transition to democracy, recovery from wars, building citizen participation)
  • Improving governance through better information for policy making by Parliaments and Ministries
  • Trust and confidence that government will not abuse, misuse, or otherwise use info. Citizens have willingly provided for unethical purposes

10:45 – 11:15: Tea Break

11:15 – 12:30: Breakaway group discussion continue – focusing on: Themes and practical applications and case studies, challenges and opportunities

12:30 – 14:00: Lunch

14:00 – 15:30 Breakaway group discussions continue – focusing on: Ethical implications for trust and confidence in each application

15:30 – 16:00: Coffee Break

16:00 Rapporteurs prepare for feedback for next day

Groups adjourn for networking and personal discussions between countries and possible interest groups

19:00 Dinner


Day 4: Thursday, February 26, 2009

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Dennis Ocholla

9:00 – 10:30: Plenary session: Feedback and reports by breakaway groups plus questions to groups

10:30 – 11:00    Break

11:00 – 12:30    Plenary session: Feedback continues

13:00 – 14:00    Lunch break

14:00 – 16:00    Prof. Dr. Woody Horton

    • Summary of outcomes and conclusion
    • Evaluation of set objectives
    • Recommendation on the road ahead

      16:00 – 16:30: Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Johannes Britz

Closing remarks on behalf of the SA Government
Closing remarks on behalf of UNESCO (by Prof. Dr. Rafael Capurro)

Report prepared by Woody Horton and Toni Carbo, rapporteurs

Approved by all members of the Workshop Academic Steering Committee: Rafael Capurro, Project Leader. Johannes Britz,  Toni Carbo,  F.W. Horton, Jr., Theo Bothma, and Coetzee Bester.

Extract: The Central Focus of e-Government in Africa should be on Development

"The central focus of e-Government in Africa should be on helping to accomplish development goals and objectives, which includes improving the quality of life of individuals and families, strengthening institutions in both the private and public sectors, and enlarging the role of elements of the civil society so that the civil society can partner more effectively with the other elements of the public sector and with the private sector.  Development, in short, encompasses not just social and cultural goals, but governance/political and economic, business and industry strengthening as well.  In short all sectors of an African society are embraced by development goals and objectives.  If an e-Government team is considering an application that cannot be linked more or less directly to a development goal or objective, in all likelihood it should be accorded a lower ranked priority.”

Africa e-gov 2009 

IV. Second African Conference on Information Ethics

Teaching Information Ethics in Africa
Current Status, Opportunities and Challenges


Venue: University of Gaborone, Botswana, 6-7 September, 2010

Organized by the University of Botswana, the University of Zululand, the University of Pretoria, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the International Center of Information Ethics, under the auspices of UNESCO and co-sponsored by UNESCO, the University of Botswana, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, the South African Government (Department of Communications) and SAP.

Date: 6-7 September, 2010

Place: University of Botswana

Part one  (Monday September 6 and Tuesday morning September 7)

  • Official opening: VIP (to be confirmed)
  • Setting the scene: Prof Dr Rafael Capurro on Global Intercultural Information Ethics
  • The need for Information Ethics in Africa
    • Government perspective: Dr Bandile Hadebe
    • Private Sector perspective: SAP representative
    • NGO perspective: To be announced
    • UNESCO perspective: Jaco Du Toit (to be confirmed)

  • Status reports from different African countries on the teaching of Information Ethics
    • South Africa:                        Dennis Ocholla
    • Namibia:                               Kingo Mchombu
    • Botswana:                            Stephen M. Mutula
    • Uganda:                                Kigongo Bukenya
    • Nigeria:                                 Iyabo Mabawonku
    • Kenya:                                   Daniel Rotich or Japheth Otike
    • Ghana:                                  Anaba Alemna
    • Zambia:                                Akakandelwa Akakandelwa
    • Zimbabwe:                           Lawton Hikwa
    • Tanzania:                              Akello S. James
    • Central African Republic:    To be announced

  • Summary of status reports and discussion – introduced and facilitated by Kimberly Douglass

  • Case study: Ethical Constraints to Establishing Global Electronic Classrooms (York Bradshaw)

  • Development of an Information Ethics toolkit for African universities

  • Buy an African Dream (Felix Weil, Michael Nagenborg and Rafael Capurro)

  • The road ahead

Part Two (Tuesday afternoon)

  • Children / Youth and Information Ethics in Africa :
    • Keynote - Jesse Mugambi
    • Panel discussion - Charles Nandain; Andrew Limo, Sarah Kibugi
    • Break of session

 Last Update: May 29, 2012


Copyright © 2010 by Rafael Capurro, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. and international copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the author is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author.


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