cff logo


Rafael and his wife Annette created in 2010 the Capurro Fiek Foundation as an independent, non-for-profit foundation dedicated to promoting the analysis and ethical evaluation of the social and cultural impact of new technologies as well as to projects and help programmes supporting children and adolescents under unequal living conditions. The Foundation is particularly committed to promoting: academic activities such as research, publications, and events in the field of information ethics, pedagogical and social activities to support children and adolescents under unfair living conditions, charitable projects dealing with overcoming the gaps and disadvantages with regard to access and use of information and communication technologies.

Prof. em. Dr. Rafael Capurro (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Dipl. Bibl. Annette Capurro (Karlsruhe, Germany)
Dr. Felix Weil (Quibiq, Stuttgart, Germany)
Prof. Dr. Tobias Keber (Stuttgart Media University, Institut für digitale Ethik, Germany)

International Board Members:
Jared Bielby (MA/MLIS in Humanities and Computing, University of Alberta, Canada; Chair of ICIE)
Maximiliano Rodríguez Fleitas (Biblioteca del Poder Legislativo and Faculty of Information and Communication, Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay)
Matthew Kelly (BA; MA; MLbryInfMgmt; MIS; MBA) (Australia)


 Montevideo, Universidad de la República, Facultad de Información y Comunicación

9-11 Octubre 2023



3rd. Meeting of the LA and the Caribbean Chapter of ICIE

See also: ICIE

Information Ethics in the Global South, IBICT Auditorium, Rio de Janeiro, October 20-21, 2022.

Dia 20/10 (quinta-feira)

Período da Manhã
10:00 - Coffee break
10:30 - Mesa de Abertura: Cecília Leite (Diretora do IBICT); Gustavo Saldanha (Coordenador da Coepe); Suzy dos Santos (Diretora da ECO/UFRJ);  Jared Bielby (ICIE Canadá); Rachel Fischer (ICIE África do Sul); Cordel Green (ICIE Jamaica); Marco Schneider e Arthur Bezerra (ICIE América Latina)
11:30 - 12:00 - Mesa Parcerias
Ana Regina Barros Rêgo Leal (RNCD) e Ricardo Pimenta (Larhud)

Período da Tarde
14:00 - 15:00 - Lançamento do filme In(com)formação
15:00 - 16:30 - Apresentação da Vepeinfo: Videoteca de ética, política, epistemologia e informação
Com a presença de criadores e entrevistados
17:00 - 18:00 - Lançamento de livros

Livro In(com)formação, Marco Schneider
Livro Competência Crítica em Informação: teoria, consciência e práxis, Arthur Coelho Bezerra

Dia 21/10 (sexta-feira)

Período da Manhã
10:00 - 12:00 - Mesa Ciência da Informação
Ética da informação e status ontológico da exclusão - Ariel Morán Reyes (México)
Os desafios éticos da organização e representação da informação em tempos de fake news - José Augusto Guimarães (Brasil)

Justicia informacional y apropiación social de las TIC - Maximiliano Rodríguez Fleitas (Uruguai)

Mediação: Marielle Barros de Moraes (Brasil)

Período da Tarde
13:30 - 15:30 - Mesa Comunicação Social
Calidad y ética informativa en contextos de convergencia digital: una reflexión desde el análisis de los contenidos mediáticos y las rutinas productivas de los periodistas - Esteban Andrés Zunino (Argentina)
Desinformação versus Informação: ações multidimensionais em rede - Ana Regina Barros Rêgo Leal (Brasil)
Infocracia, há espaço para a ética na avalanche informativa das campanhas eleitorais? - Karina Olarte (Bolívia)
Mediação: Anna Brisola (Brasil)
16:00 - 17:00 - Mesa de Encerramento
Rafael Capurro (ICIE Uruguai/Alemanha), Marco Schneider e Arthur Bezerra (ICIE América Latina)


17:00 - Happy hour (show de jazz latino)

Rio 2022


Ciclo de conferencias: Globalización, régimen informacional y Cultura digital en la Amazonía: promoviendo desarrollo sustentable? 10/03/2022.


Dimensões em Des(in)Formação: Meme'ética, políticas e práticas

Nov 23, 2021 Sao Paulo

Videoteca Digital de Ética, política e epistemologia da Informação (Vepeinfo)

29 de outubre 2021

Arthur Bezerra, Gustavo Saldanha, María Nélida González de Gómez, Rafael Capurro:

Epistemologias da Ciência da Informação. IBICT, Rio de Janeiro, July 26, 2021


                                        epistemologia CI 2021

ibict 2021 epistemologia CI
link de acesso:

ibict 2021


Escuela No. 230 "Benita Berro de Varela" in Puntas de Manga, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
: School Library project.

roble digital
(from left to right) Leandro Placeres, Eugenia Rodríguez, Rafael Capurro,
Judith Varela, Nicolás Acha, Vanina Inchausti y Maximiliano Rodríguez

logo nuevo roble

escuela 230 lectura

In November 2015, the school library called "Biblioteca Nuevo Roble" was opened for the public in a celebration to which all residents of Puntas de Manga were invited.

Escuela 230 

Inauguration of the "Biblioteca Nuevo Roble Source

Video created by the school director, Gonzalo Rodríguez, for the inauguration day


Stuttgart Media University


WS 2021/22:
Laura Braxmaier

WS 2017/18: 
Bernhard Koch: „Weltmodelle und Narrative rechtspopulistischer Parteien: Eine mediensemiotische Analyse von Parteiprogrammen“

SS 2017: 
Marcel Schlegel: „Vom Diktat der Algorithmen zum Populismus der vernetzten Vielen“


Anieversary 2017


Rafael Capurro and Tobias Keber (Germany) with participants of the ANIEversary Summit

Information Cultures

Thanks and Responses by Rafael Capurro

anie 2017

Matthew Kelly, Rafael Capurro, Jared Bielby at the ANIEversary Summit 2017


Fourth Africa Conference on Information Ethics

Information Ethics - Cross-Cutting Themes for Managing your Digital Life
Kampala, Metropole Hotel, Uganda
July 2-4, 2014

Special ANIE Award for a decade of contributions to Information Ethics in Africa  (2004-2014)

presented  by
Prof. Constant Okello-Obura, University of Makarere, Uganda

anie award 2014 okello-obura

The Award acknowledged by Prof. Johannes Britz (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA)

anie award 2014 rc

This award was also presented by Prof. Rafael Capurro to Prof. Dennis Ngong Ocholla, University of Zululand, South Africa

anie award 2014 ocholla

The award for political commitment to Information Ethics in Africa was presented by Mr Coetzee Bester (Director, ACEIE)
and Mrs Rachel Fischer (ACEIE) to Mr Jaco du Toit, Adviser in Communication and Information, UNESCO, Nairobi Cluster Office

anie award 2014 Du Toit

Member of the Advisory Board of ID4Africa



The CFF together with the African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics (ACEIE) at the University of Pretoria had the pleasure to present the second ANIE (Africa Network for Information Ethics) to Prof. Stephen Mutula (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) for his outstanding support of information ethics in Africa, particularly
- Second Africa Information Ethics Conference: Teaching Information Ethics in Africa, Gaborone (Botswana), September 6-7, 2010.
- Information Ethics Workshop: Social media and Information Ethics in Africa, Nairobi (Kenya), June 2-3, 2012

Keynote address "Ethical Issues of Online Social Networks in Africa", Third Africa Information Ethics Conference, Pretoria (South Africa), 3-7 September 2012.



The CFF together with the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) (USA) represented by Provost Johannes B. Britz, had the pleasure to present the first ANIE (Africa Network for Information Ethics) Award to Mr. Coetzee Bester (South Africa) for his outstanding support of information ethics projects in Africa, particularly:
- First Africa Information Ethics Conference: Ethical Challenges in the Information Age, Pretoria, February 5-7, 2007
- High-Level Workshop on e-Government in Africa, Pretoria, February 23-26, 2009

Keynote address: Global Intercultural Information Ethics from an African Perspective, Second Africa Information Ethics Conference, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana, 6-7 September, 2010.


See here

University of Pretoria

Department of Information Science
Research Associate

 African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics  (ACEIE)


Rafael Capurro, Johannes.J. Britz, Theo.J.D. Bothma & Coetzee  Bester (Eds.): Africa Reader on Information Ethics. Ed. by First electronic edition 2007, First printed edition 2012. Published by Department of Information Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa, 394 pages. ISBN 978-0-620-45627-2.

Africa Reader

Dennis Ocholla, Johannes Britz, Rafael Capurro and Coetzee Bester (Eds.): Information Ethics in Africa: Cross-cutting Themes. Pretoria: African Centre of Excellence for Information Ethics, University of Pretoria, South Africa. 2013 (ISBN 978-1-920527-65-5).

IE in Africa

International Center for Information Ethics

African Information Ethics Conference: Ethical Challenges in the Information Age
Pretoria, 5-7 February 2007
The first Pan-African Conference on Information Ethics was organized by
the University of Pretoria, the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA, and the International Center for Information Ethics.
Proceedings International Review of Information Ethics (IRIE).

The conference was sponsored by the South African Government under the patronage of UNESCO

africa infoethics

Rafael Capurro, Johannes Britz (Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Mokwinning Nhlapo (Department of Communications, SA), ?, Boyan Radoykov (UNESCO)
See here


Africa Infoethics 2007



Nelson Mandela. A Reader on Information Ethics
Edited by Coetzee Bester, Johannes Britz, Rafael Capurro & Rachel Fischer
International Centre for Information Ethics (ICIE), 2021

Mandela Reader



organized by the Renmin University of China, School of Philosophy (Prof. Li Maosen) and the International Center for Information Ethics
Beijing, P.R. China, October 28-29, 2010

China 2010

China Infoethics

See here


World Education Day Assembly-2019

Theme: Reshaping the Global Future of Education for All, Stream 17

Presentation on behalf of the CFF by Maximiliano Rodriguez Fleitas

Maximiliano Rodriguez Fleitas

Last update: May 27, 2024


Copyright © 2022 by Rafael Capurro, all rights reserved. This text may be used and shared in accordance with the fair-use provisions of U.S. and international copyright law, and it may be archived and redistributed in electronic form, provided that the author is notified and no fee is charged for access. Archiving, redistribution, or republication of this text on other terms, in any medium, requires the consent of the author.

Für die kostenlose Gestaltung des Stiftungslogos danken wir Dr. Marduk Buscher herzlich.

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